Author: Josh Craddock

This Country Banned Abortion and Now, Abortion Promoters Can’t Believe their Eyes!

“Outlaw abortion and abortion won’t stop. Women will just do it illegally and women will die!”

Or so the argument goes… But facts are pesky things, and they show that the opposite is true in Chile.

According to new research from the MELISA Institute, since Chile’s ban on abortion, not only has maternal health improved but the number of women seeking illegal abortion has plummeted!

The Big Lie: Why can’t the abortion lobby make up its mind about personhood and birth control?

by Laurel Recsetar and Cooper Crouch

The abortion lobby has itself in a pretzel. On one hand, Planned Parenthood and other supporters of abortion argue that certain forms of contraception (e.g. Plan B and Ella) do not have abortifacient effects. These proponents of abortion mock the “unproven claim that they will interfere with a fertilized egg’s implantation.” But then, when it’s convenient, they pivot and make the exact opposite claim.

At no time was the rhetoric more heated over the scientific effects of birth control than during the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision. A Mother Jones headline read “In Hobby Lobby Case, the Supreme Court Chooses Religion Over Science,” declaring the science settled that “Plan B, Ella, and two intrauterine devices—do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus.” (more…)

FACT CHECK: Planned Parenthood’s lies about Personhood

Today, Personhood Education released a new document fact-checking Planned Parenthood’s mistruths about personhood laws. Radical pro-abortion groups, such as Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the so-called National Advocates for Pregnant Women have repeatedly spread blatant fabrications about the various effects of adopting personhood measures. Among the absurd claims that these pro-abortion groups make are that personhood would ban contraception, IVF, life-saving treatment for pregnant women, and even prosecute women for miscarriages.

A recent segment on KUSA-Denver explained that Planned Parenthood admitted they “couldn’t point to any legislation in Colorado or elsewhere that specifically says women who have miscarriages could be questioned, and they couldn’t give any cases of this happening in other states that didn’t involve extenuating circumstances like drugs or violence.”

Unfortunately, some media outlets have repeated these myths without examining the lack of evidence.

Learn the facts for yourself… (more…)

Huge pro-life display in Canada makes powerful visual statement

by Madison Iszler

canadaA little over a week ago more than eighty volunteers and staff from awareness campaign We Need a Law gathered on Canada’s Parliament Hill to participate in the biggest pro-life display Canada has ever seen. They met at 6:45 AM on October 2 for a brief period of prayer and devotion before carefully installing 100,000 tiny pink and blue flags over the expansive lawn in front of Parliament buildings, according to ARPA’s website. The number of flags represented the approximate number of babies aborted in Canada every year. (more…)

Obamacare’s Abortion Regulations Ignored

by Cooper Crouch

Last week, a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigating whether or not regulations from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) are being held up. The investigation was initiated by House Republican leadership. The GAO found that 15 of 18 insurance companies in the investigated sample were in violation of the regulations under the ACA that require that Obamacare plans segregate abortion coverage plans from plans that do not cover abortion (except in cases of rape or incest) so that taxpayer money will not subsidize abortion-on-demand. (more…)

Do you know where your tax money is going?

The Sad Truth about U.S. International Aid and Abortion
by Laurel Recsetar

Since the 1960’s (1) the United States government (USG) has been one of the leading contributors of international “family planning” and “reproductive health” (FP/RH) services. Both congressional legislation and executive branch policies place restrictions or requirements on funds directed toward international FP/RH services (2).

In 1984 President Reagan enacted one such executive policy, known as the “Mexico City Policy.” The policy states that in order to receive funding from the U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID) non-governmental organizations (NGOs) must not perform or actively promote abortion as a method of FP/RH, regardless of whether such activities are funded by specifically non-USG funds (3).

This policy was rescinded by Clinton in 1993, reinstated by Bush in 2001, and again rescinded by Obama on January 23, 2009. Here are a few of organizations eligible to receive receive USAID funds without this policy in place. (more…)

The Democracy Deficit in the EU

In May, the European Commission summarily rejected the largest democratic initiative in European Union history—a pro-life petition called “One of Us.” The decision left many wondering: Is participatory democracy dead in the European Union?

Self-governance is essential to any democratic regime, but that’s merely an inconvenient truth to the bureaucrats in Brussels. The European Union continues to wrestle with criticism of its ever-deepening democracy deficit — the failure of the EU system to involve citizens in the decision-making process.

Continue reading at the National Review Online…

Film review: “A Quiet Inquisition” undermines Nicaragua’s pro-life laws

A Quiet Inquisition (2014)
Documentary, Not Rated (65 minutes)
Directed by Alessandra Zeka and Holen Sabrina Kahn

Dr. Carla Cerrato marches firmly through the brightly-painted halls of Hospital Alemán Nicaragüense. Her white medical coat has “Ipas” emblazoned across the pocket. The obstetrics offices and maternity ward at Dr. Cerrato’s hospital are by no means squalid, but neither are they a model of sterile hospital care that those in developed nations expect as a matter of course. Today, Dr. Cerrato is advising a 28-year-old patient who may have ruptured the amniotic membrane protecting her unborn child. If that’s the case, the patient’s mother says she’d rather see her grandchild aborted than risk possible infection. Despite Nicaragua’s ban on abortion, Dr. Cerrato is willing to oblige.

A Quiet Inquisition is a cleverly persuasive documentary. It grips the audience with emotional appeals and lauds Dr. Cerrato as a trustworthy, compassionate doctor who is willing to act boldly in the face of Nicaragua’s pro-life laws. There’s just one problem: this agenda-driven propaganda film fails to take account of the facts regarding abortion and maternal mortality.


Meriam re-arrested

We’ve received tragic and disturbing news this morning regarding the case of Meriam Ibrahim. Since our earlier update, Meriam and her entire family were re-arrested at the airport as they attempted to leave Sudan.

We will keep you updated with the latest news about Meriam and her family. Right now, please take a moment to pray for the safety of this Christian woman and her family.


Meriam Ibrahim is Free!

Another victory for Personhood! As you may have heard yesterday, 28-year-old Meriam Ibrahim was released from Sudanese jail and her death sentence was revoked!

In May, we learned that Meriam—then 8 months pregnant with her second child—had been sentenced to death and 100 lashes for refusing to recant her Christian faith. At that time, it was unclear whether Meriam would be executed while she was with child. This was a clear case of religious persecution and a definite violation of Meriam and her unborn daughter’s personhood rights!

That’s where you jumped into action. When we launched a petition to the Sudanese Government and the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, you answered the call. In just a few weeks, you sent 304,758 letters to these officials, calling for Meriam’s pardon and release. We couldn’t have done it without your help!

Meriam Ibrahim, who was on death row for marrying a Christian and refusing to convert back to Islam, has been ordered freed by a Sudan court, the nation’s official news agency reported.